St. Gregory’s High School is the pioneer of science Fair in Bangladesh. In the beginning of 1960s, the scouts of St. Gregory’s High School generally arranged Science Fair once in a year where scientific projects were also presented. In 1966-67, School started to arrange a festival which was only science based. Around 50% of the total students used to take part in the competitions. Brother Donald led those science fairs.
At first there was no club related to science. Later in 1983-84, Brother Gerald Kraegar established “Gregorian Science Club” and included science fair in it. Our club has a history of about 31 years. Every year, this club is approaching forward without being affected by serious political or some other issues. Gregorian Science Club works with motif of developing people, including students to be educated in science and to remove darkness of superstition from the society . It also helps our students to possess a curious mind that believes in logic and science.