Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury is being appointed as National Professor by the Government of Bangladesh.
Our Heartiest Congratulation to professor Gregorian Jamilur Reza Choudhury (Batch 1957).
St. Gregory’s High School & College is highly proud of him.
Congratulation also to Emeritus Professor Dr. Anisuzzaman for being appointed as National Professor.
Though not Gregorian he is well-wisher of this Great Institution He wrote an special article
‘জীবনের পাঠের জন্যে’
‡m›U †MÖMixR ¯‹zj †h †Kej fv‡jv QvÎ ˆZwi K‡i‡Q, Zv bq| †Ljvayjv, weZK©, mvwnZ¨ I msMxZPP©vq Qv·`i Drmvn w`‡q G‡m‡Q| m‡e©vcwi, Qv‡Îiv hv‡Z ˆbwZK kw³‡Z ejxqvb nq, †mw`‡K jÿ¨ ivLv n‡q‡Q GLv‡b| GK K_vq, GB we`¨vcxV c~Y© gbyl¨‡Z¡i weKvk mva‡b eªZx n‡q‡Q|
for the School official year book ‘The Gregorian 2001’ which was published in 2001.
He also visited St. Gregory’s High School & College as Chief Guest of the Annual Prize Giving Ceremony 2015.